I started with the Pro 16mm had it for a couple weeks.....great control but not much of an improvement in Power from my double black diamond..... got the Pro 14 mm and loved it. Excellent control, swing weight was a vast improvement and my hand speed improve tremendously. But still wanted more power and faster shots.... My issue was I am a 3.5 and play many games with 4.0 and above..... My control shots that were great with under 3.5 but needed more punch to get past the higher skilled players but I did not want to loose the control. So when I saw the Aero Matalic I thought I would try it. More power but too poppy for me and lost my control edge. Read some reviews on the Aero Kevlar 16 MM same spec. as my Pro so thought I'd give it a try..... Found my paddle my hand speed, control shots remained in tack but had that punch that I needed to get the ball past the faster, younger, and more skilled players. Also everyone marvels at the spin this paddle provides, with little or no effort ,
and to be honest surprises me sometimes because I did not intend to spin the ball. :-) Another benefit I can interchange the Pro and the Kevlar paddle and not have to make major changed in my hand grip or swing speed. Both are dynamite in a kitchen fight .,....
I love the color of the shoes; well constructed and are really comfortable. The balls are comparable to Franklin but I'm surprised Holbrook doesn't have a unique marking of its own on the ball.
I am frustrated and upset because my paddle has not arrived yet, and I have not received any updates from the shipping company.
Still my favorite go to paddle. I love the Aero, but I keep going back to the Pro E. It's the most consistent paddle for me in term of drives and drops.
The paddle has a nice aweetspot but lacks power on drives and ground strokes from the baseline..
The paddle has a nice sweetspot but is lacking power on drives and ground strokes from the baseline.
I played with the Power Pro E 14mm for over a year and loved it. Gave the new Aero X 16mm a shot and feel it is even better. I didn’t have to add weight to it so it plays light and quick. Huge sweet spot, incredible spin, great touch and power / pop when you put some strength into it. It does it all. I have won several tournaments already with this paddle. Highly recommend.
Great control paddle with good power. Took a solid week to get it dialed in.
Purchased a Power Pro 16mm a couple of weeks ago. I like the combination of power and control. It has really made a difference in my game. Very happy so far.
I currently play with the ProKennex Black Ace and needed to find a new paddle to love. A friend let me borrow hers and I immediately ordered the Aero Metallic T. I love it! There was no break in period. I had the power of my Black Ace but with the added feel and precision needed for dinks and drops with tons on slice, topspin and side spin. I get at least three aces a game because of the added spin on my serve. I love this paddle!!!
Replaced my USAP delisted Gearbox Pro Power Elongated with the Aero X and I'm loving it! Feels great! The paddle gives me excellent control and plenty of power. I must admit that I'm still not sure whether the 14mm would have been better for me or not. Bottom line: I'm really enjoying the Aero X - it's an absolutely superb paddle!
I like the weight of this paddle. I get good spin with it, however I have a wrist problem and the shock absorption is not enough for me. It kills my wrist.
Paddle packs a punch but still delivers with spin and control. One of the best pickleball paddles I've ever used.
Have used these grips since I got my first Mav pro Holbrook in 2022. I recommend them to eberyine. Please get in the black I need more
I needed to find a paddle to replace my Prokennex Black Ace which is due to be banned from tournament play in July/2025. I am going from a 10mm (Black Ace) to 14mm (Holbrook Aero), which is a big deal since I've been using the Black Ace for three years. So far I am enjoying the extra control and feel of the Aero. I do notice less power, however with less power come less "pop-ups" and less hitting balls out. If all continues to go well, I plan to keep the Aero paddle. I would have liked to have applied an edge-guard since it does scuff easily. I did not want to put on the edge guard in case I chose to return it.
I was looking for a paddle to advance my game with more power yet still has balanced control. The Power Pro E is it. I am seeing immediate returns.
You will definitely play your best game with this paddle !! Guaranteed
Amazing control + power + pop
The Aero T is perfect power and control for my game. I also have the Power Pro and was looking forward to playing with the Aero T and it does not disappoint. Highly recommended!
If massive spin and power is a good part of your game then this is your paddle. I just started playing with this paddle and I needed to change my game in a good way. I can shape my shots into the corners of the court. I still need to work on dinking because the hardness of this paddle, it's difficult for me to get the feel I want but that could be just me. You get great hand speed at the net. My last paddle was 20mm thick and I couldn't move it around as fast as this one.
I needed a lighter paddle and this fit the bill. Aero X The handle is just a bit longer than I like because I choke up a bit but over all I’m happy🙂